Compared to Seyda Neen and Pelagiad, Balmora is the big
city. There are several taverns (often called corner clubs), numerous
shops and a good selection of guilds. Of course, initially, the main
reason to go to Balmora is to meet with
Caius Cosades.
Once you've done that, take the time to look around and see what Balmora
has to offer. I'm using a different method to describe the places in
Balmora since it's so big. The picture is not as good as I'd like it to
be, but time is limited. This is the last update I'll be able to make
before I leave for vacation. I'm afraid that the numbers might be a little
hard to read and some of them shouldn't even be there because I numbered
both doors of a couple of the houses. I'm going to be making a new map
when I return in September, so please bear with this one for now.

Council Club
Lucky Lockup
Dralasa Nithryon: Pawnbroker
Clugius Clanler: Outfitter
Meldor: Armorer
Dirsa Darvel: Bookseller
The Razor Hole
Hlaalu Manor
Western Guard Tower North
Western Guard Tower South
Tyravel Manor
Hlaalu Council Manor
Nerano Manor
Morag Tong Guild
Milie Hastien: Fine Clothier
Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist
Eight Plates
Guild of Fighters
Guild of Mages
Ra-Virr: Trader
Tsiya's House
Karlirah's House
Vori's House
Itari's House
Dura gra-Bol's House
Dura gra-Bol's House - This isn't a mistake, the number
is! This is just another part of the house.
Drarayne Thelas' House
Dralosa Athren's House
Hecerinde's House
Balyn Omarel's House
Nine Toes' House
Dralcea Arethi's House
South Wall Corner Club
Caius' Cosade's House
Vorar Helas' House
Vorar Helas' House (another duplicate, sorry!)
Rithleen's House
Astius Hanotepelus' House
Balmora Quests
• Seyda Neen • Pelagiad • Balmora • |