New content added
Tuesday September 10, 2002
Welcome to Nimue's Grotto, located just outside the city of Vivec. My
name is Nimue and I have lived here in Vvardenfell for many years. I've
watched people come and go, and I've learned a lot about the place. I am
gathering all of this information can into my library. If you haven't
guessed by now, this site is dedicated to the wonderful and wonderfully
addicting CRPG
Morrowind, created
by Bethesda Softworks.
Please browse and enjoy yourself. I am working on several sections
right now and have created a new character so I can perform the various
quest fresh and write the descriptions down accurately. Oh, and while
you're here, please sign our Guestbook!

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook
This is just a rough description of what I plan on including here. If you
have ideas, please send them to and if I use your idea,
I'll give you credit.
- What's New - A quick list of what's been added or changed on
this site.
- Cities - A city by city description of
anything else that I think you'd be interested in seeing, including what
you can buy, interesting NPCs, and links to quest walkthroughs.
- Quests - These are the actual
walkthroughs, arranged by guild and house.
- Books - There are tons of books to be
found around Vvardenfell. While they are fun to read for information,
which of them enhances your skills? Here is a listing of the books I've found.
For each book that enhances skills, I've listed the skill that is
- Books - An alphabetical listing of the books I have found in my
travels around Morrowind. I have not included the text, but I have
listed what skills are enhanced by which books.
- Nimue's Journal - Tales of my many
travels. Now that I've retired from active adventuring, I've become
something of a bard. Stop by for the latest and greatest. *WARNING* If
you don't want to see spoilers then wait until you've finished the game
to read my journal.
Links - Other sites for Morrowind fans. Want to list your
site here? Send me the URL and I'll take a look. If it's really related
to Morrowind in some way, I'll add you the next time I do an update.
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